Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Alleged Murder of Kinanā Bin Al-Rabī‘

(English isn't my first language so i might make grammatical mistakes)
According to sources such as Al-Tabari, the alleged accusation provided that Kinanā Bin Al-Rabī‘ who is according to the narration was tortured and killed in order to expose hidden treasure of Bani Nadīr

“Narrated by Ibn Hamīd Said: Sulāma Narrated to us From Ibn Ishāq the Prophet  came with Kinanā Bin Al-Rabī‘ Bin Abi Haqiq –and he had the treasure of Bani Nadīr- so he asked him and he suspected that he knows it’s place, then the prophet came with one of the Jews, then that jews told the prophet  “I saw Kinanā, go around this ruins every day during sunrise and sunset” the prophet said to Kinanā “Do you know that if we find you have it I shall kill you?” he said “yes” The prophet  gave orders that the ruin was to be excavated and some of the treasure was found.  When he asked him about the rest he refused to produce it, so the apostle gave orders to al-Zubaīr Al-Awām, "Torture him until you extract what he has."  So he kindled a fire with flint and steel on his chest until he was nearly dead.  Then the apostle delivered him to Muhammad b. Maslama and he struck off his head, in revenge for his brother Mahmud, then the prophet  Besieged the people of Khaibar in their fortress, intel the acknowledged their death, they asked him to spare their blood, then he did then he earn all of their fortune and all of their properties ”[1]
Issue #1:
The narration is incorrect due to the fact that in this narration there is a narrator with weak sanad and that is Muhammad Ibn Hamīd Al-Razi, however, the connection of Sanad is not correct due to lack of connection between the timeline of the prophet and Ibn Ishāq

“Imam Dahabi said:
He is Munkar (denied) and he is known to bring wonders
Bukhari said in his Hadith doubt”[2]
Now some might say Ahmed Ibn Hanbal Praised him, in that Imam Dahabi made a good reply
Abu Ali Al-Nesaburi said:
“I said to Ibn Khuzaima if the teacher (Ahmed Ibn Hanbal) Praised Muhammad Ibn Hamīd said: he didn’t know him, if he did like us he wouldn’t Praise him”[3]

Ibn Haban said:
“Abu Zur’a Al-Razi said: and he is Muhammad Ibn Muslim Ibn Wara it was known to us that he lies”[4]

The investigators of the Narration has reported its weakness:
Investigator (Muhaqiūn) are the ulama who investigate and come to the conclusion of the narration in question by examining it sources and verify it
We shall now see what’s their opinion on this matter is
Sheikh Muhammad Subhi Hassan Al-Halāq
“his sanad to Ibn Ishāq is weak, and Ibn Ishāq only mention him by name”[5]
Another Isnad to the Narration:
Ibn Sa’ad in his book Al-Tabaqāt:
“we were told By Baker bin Abullrahman, kufa judge narrated to me by Isa Bin Al-Mukhtar Bin Abullah Bin Abi Layla Al-Ansari, from Muhammad Bin Abdulrahman Bin Abi Layla Al-Ansari, from Al-hakim, from Miqsim, from Ibn ‘Abas said: when the prophet Apeared to Khaibar he made treaty with them that they may get out with their people, then he came with Kinanā Bin Al-Rabī‘, and Kinanā was Saffiyah husband and Rabi’ was his brother and cousin, and asked them “Where are your containers that you used to borrow it to the people of Makah?” they replied “we escaped and we spend everything” then he replied “if you keep something secret from me and I uncover it your blood and offspring will be lawful to shed” they replied “yes” then they asked one of the Ansaris “go to land there and there, then reach the trees and look on the trees then look on your left and right and see a tall tree and bring me what’s In it” he went and brought the container with it money, then they were beheaded and took their family as captives then sent men and brought Saffiyah and took her to their death, then the prophet asked him “why did you do that?” then he replied “oh Messenger of god I wanted to make her angry” then he replied “take her to Bilal and to one of the Ansaris she was with him”[6]

Issue #1:
Weak narrator (Muhammad Bin Abdulrahman Bin Abi Layla Al-Ansari)
Ibn Hajar Al-Askalani said:
“Honest but bad in memorizing”[7]

It’s therefore easy to conclude that the story is fabricated according to the following classical Islamic sources listed in the footnotes, even if we assume the authenticity of the narration Kinanā was still a war criminal at least.

[1] Tārikh Al-Rusol Wa Al-Mulok by Imam Al-Tabari Vol (3) Page.14 Dar Al-Ma’arif Edition
[2] Siar A’lam Al-Nubala by Imam Al-Dahabi Vol (11) Page.503 Mūwasasa Al-Risala Edition
[3] Ibid Page.504
[4] Al-Marohon Min Al-muhadithin by Imam Ibn Haban Vol (2) Page.321 Dar Al-Sumai’I Edition
[5] Da’if Tarikh Al-Tabari by Dr. Muhammad Subhi Hassan Al-Halāq Vol (7) Page.186 Dar Ibn Kathir Edition
[6] Al-Tabakat Al-Kubra Ibn Sa’ad Vol (2) Page.107 Al-Khanji Librabry
[7] Takrib Al-Tahdib By Imam Ibn Hajar Al-Askalani Page.427 Mūwasasa Al-Risala Edition