Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Sharif Gabir and the Dunning Kruger effect, ISIS and Islam Part-2

(English isn't my first language so I might make grammatical mistakes)
Duo to the factor that for some odd reason, blogger is messing up my posts so I decided to delay the full part response and make each part contain only 10 footnotes until I’m fully done with his video
so part 3 will come later so as other parts
I apologize in advance for the shortness of the article, but I have to do it each with few footnotes to prevent any errors in posting

Now we shall continue our critique of Sharif Gabir’s video, ISIS, and Islam

full disclaimer, I’m not claiming ISIS is not true Islam, what I say is that ISIS can use religions justifications for their acts, however, to claim that Muslims don’t offer religious justifications for their claims, therefore moderate Muslims aren’t real Muslims is a no true Scotsman fallacy, something both Sharif  Gabir and the masked arab are guilty of
yes, claiming that ISIS isn’t real Islam or that ISIS Muslims aren’t real Muslims is equally a no true Scotsman fallacy, but that doesn’t give you the ticket to claim moderate Muslims can’t justify their Islam with text, or that they are not real Muslims
keep this in mind when ever you read any of my material in regards to ISIS

without further ado let us proceed

@3:35 Sharif cities ones again the Clechie argument of Muhammad marriage to Aisha, I have dealt in details with this issue scientifically, and showed how it’s impossible scientifically and logically to consider Muhammad a pedophile, I shall link my article1

@3:44 Sharif bring idiotically the argument of beheading brutality, this argument contains two parts
one is that beheading is brutal
two is that Khalid bin Alwalid beheaded malik bin nowhere

now let us address each one
are beheadings brutal?
Compared to drone strikes which the likes of Sharif have no problem criticizing, how can you think that drone strikes that cuts and mutilate bodies into thousands of pieces are less brutal than beheading? Anyone who thinks beheading is more brutal is a certified lunatic

Now what about Malik bin nowhere, what happened? And why was he beheaded? Did he do something wrong?
There have been many reports that Malik prevented prayer, and took the zakat (public charity) for himself and prevented it, let’s take a look at these reports and let us look later on did he actually cocked malik head as sharif claim?
Sharif Cited a number of sources for this story, including alwaqidi
he later cited Al-Isaba by Hafis ibn Hajar
Kanz Al-Umal by Mutaqi hindi
Bidaia Wa Al-Niahaia by Ibn Kathir
now I was trying to grab the original narration when I was looking at his screen-shot, I was able to find the narration source in which all above sources mention:

{حدثنا ابن حميد، قال: حدثنا سلمة، قال: حدثنا محمد بن إسحاق، عن طلحة بن عبد الله بن عبد الرحمن بن أبي بكر الصديق، أن أبا بكر كان من عهده إلى جيوشه: أن إذا غشيتم دارا من دور الناس فسمعتم فيها أذانا للصلاة، فأمسكوا عن أهلها حتى تسألوهم ما الذي نقموا! وإن لم تسمعوا أذانا، فشنوا الغارة، فاقتلوا، وحرقوا وكان ممن شهد لمالك بالإسلام أبو قتادة الحارث بن ربعي أخو بني سلمة، وقد كان عاهد آلله ألا يشهد مع خالد بن الوليد حربا أبدا بعدها، وكان يحدث أنهم لما غشوا القوم راعوهم تحت الليل، فأخذ القوم السلاح قال: فقلنا: إنا المسلمون، فقالوا: ونحن المسلمون، قلنا: فما بال السلاح معكم! قالوا لنا: فما بال السلاح معكم! قلنا: فإن كنتم كما تقولون فضعوأ السلاح، قال: فوضعوها، ثم صلينا وصلوا وكان خالد يعتذر في قتله أنه قال له وهو يراجعه: ما أخال صاحبكم إلا وقد كان يقول كذا وكذا قال: أو ما تعده لك صاحبا! ثم قدمه فضرب عنقه وأعناق أصحابه، فلما بلغ قتلهم عمر بن الخطاب، تكلم فيه عند أبي بكر فأكثر، وقال: عدو الله عدا على امرئ مسلم فقتله، ثم نزا على امرأته! وأقبل خالد بن الوليد قافلا حتى دخل المسجد وعليه قباء له عليه صدأ الحديد،معتجرا بعمامة له، قد غرز في عمامته أسهما، فلما أن دخل المسجد قام إليه عمر فانتزع الأسهم من رأسه فحطمها، ثم قال: ارثاء! قتلت امرأ مسلما، ثم نزوت على امرأته! والله لأرجمنك بأحجارك - ولا يكلمه خالد بن الوليد، ولا يظن إلا أن راي أبي بكر على مثل راي عمر فيه - حتى دخل على أبي بكر،فلما أن دخل عليه أخبره الخبر، واعتذر إليه فعذره أبو بكر، وتجاوز عنه ما كان في حربه تلك قال: فخرج خالد حين رضي عنه أبو بكر، وعمر جالس في المسجد، فقال: هلم إلى يا بن أم شملة! قال: فعرف عمر أن أبا بكر قد رضي عنه فلم يكلمه، ودخل بيته. وكان الذي قتل مالك بن نويرة عبد بن الأزور الأسدي وقال ابن الكلبي: الذي قتل مالك بن نويرة ضرار بن الأزور}2

Duo to the lengthy portion of the narration, I highlighted 4 issues within this narration
let’s start with the first one
Muhammad Bin Humaid Al-Razi
he is known to be a liar
{he was among those who make up twisted things
according to Abu Zar’a and Muhammad bin Muslim he is a liar}3
so right of the bat we can already reject the narration brought forth by Sharif, but let us see further down the list of other weak narrators in this list
next is Salma Bin Fathil
{he is a truthful man but make mistakes}4
best Huzaima bin Thabit Al-’aqfani
‘An’ana Muhammad bin Ishaq
{he is truthful but known to cite from fabricators and liars}5
the forth issue is that this is considered mursal as Talha bin Abdullah didn’t meet Abu Baker
{Talha Bin Abdullah bin Abdulrahman from his grandfather Abu baker Abu zar’a said he is mursal and this is apparent, no doubt}6

we can easily ignore this narration from the first weak narrator, but as you saw, if we continue down the path we see 3 more issues in relation to the hadith

@3:58 Sharif Cites a narration in regards to slavery in Islam, stating that this narration makes the claim that if a slave runs away from his master he is a kafir until he returns, however, what does the word kafir means here?

The hadith goes as follows
{It is narrated on the authority of Jarir that he heard (the Holy Prophet) saying, The slave who fled from his master committed an act of infidelity as long as he would not return to him}7

now, what does the word Kafir means here?
According to Imam Nawawi, there are four known meanings to this
{it leads to kufr, or it’s dishonor and disrespect to the generosity and the hospitality of the master, or it’s not allowed, but in my opinion, the most accurate one is that this is of the works of ignorants and jahilia and their ill manners}8

and according to Imam Manawi
{his words in “he committed kufir” or meaning the blessings of the master, meaning he disrespect it, here simply means that the slave has committed act of disrespect and dishonored to his master who treated him with kindness and generosity, and he will continue to be like this until he return because his act is similar to the acts of the kufars}9
so as we can see, this more likely mean that the slave who leaves his master becomes kafir in meaning unbeliever until he return to him, in broader meaning, this means he simply disrespected his master kindness and generosity that is simply all what it means, not that he is a disbeliever now, I would like for sharif to explain his reasons for this dishonest assessment

I simply have no idea why the likes of sharif and the masked arab when they cite a Sahih hadith they don’t provide explanation, or let alone when they cite secondary narration they don’t provide sanad or chain of narration

End of Part 2

[1]  http://azblogtalk.blogspot.com/2016/02/why-masked-arab-is-masked-falsehood.html
[2]  Tarikh Tabari Vol.3 Page.279
[3]  Al-Majruhin Min Al-muhadithin by Imam Abi Hatim bin Haban Vol.2 Page.321
[4]  Taqrib Al-Tahthib by Imam bin Hajar Al-Asqalani page.188
[5]  Tabakat Al-Mudalisin Page.52
[6]  Jami’ Al-Tahsil, fi Ahkam Al-Marasil
[7]  https://sunnah.com/muslim/1/134
[8]  Sharih Sahih Muslim by Imam Nawawi 2/57-58
[9]  Faith Al-Qadir by Imam Manawi Vol.3 Page.142

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Sharif Gabir and the Dunning Kruger effect, ISIS and Islam Part-1

(English isn't my first language so i might make grammatical mistakes)

In an attempt to legitimize the state of ISIS Sharif made a video declaring that ISIS is true Islam and there is no other interpretation around it, and moderate Muslims are your typical non practicing Muslims

In this article I shall criticize his approach and respond to it one by one showing his fallacious reasoning behind his arguments

Now before I was watching the rest of this video I was wondering what sources he will bring for his hypothesis, all be it I was not surprised of how insignificant and nonacademic his sources are, one thing in the video description that got my attention
“- I myself was sentenced to prison for defending LGBT rights and being an atheist. also I an Ex-Muslim who memorizes the whole Quran and studied the history of Islam and religion for years. so please don't say i don't know about Islam, i know it better than you.”
One thing caught me here, is his argument that he memorized entire quran and studied islam for years like I did
But the last part is what seems to be more moronic, he said that he knows islam better than me, now I never made such claim and such idiotic statement saying that I know islam better than anyone, this not only makes me a megalomaniac cocky but also degrade me and shows that I don’t wish for a dialog or any form of discussion, there is no such a thing as “I know islam better than you” even if you memorized the entire quran which I doubt that he did
That is just another reason why I use the term dunning kruger effect on polemics like sharif and the masked arab, they simply think they are above all muslim and more knowledgeable than your average muslim, there are well over 1.7 billion to claim you know islam better than all of them is simply pathetic at best

Anyways let us proceed to his video

@00:23 the state “the majority of places where Islam exists you will find what you find with ISIS” not factoring drug cartels and gang members who do acts of beheadings this argument is garbage at best, there are well over 50+ Islamic countries around the world, how could you argue that the majority of them suffer the same problems as places where ISIS exist, not only that he never cited a single evidence for this claim, I suspect the rest of this video is his “evidence”
@00:32 Sharif state that right after the prophet death the conquest of India started

This is not true, prophet Muhammad death happened during the end of the 7th century, the Islamic conquest of india started between 13th century and 15th century sometimes as early as 11th century
The large scale spread of islam in sing and elsewhere in india really began later, with the activities of ghaznavids and other dynasties based in Afghanistan in the eleventh century CE and later[1]
Right of the bat we have a shaky start to this video, we didn’t even get into his argument and right of the bat he makes a historical blunder, and this kid claims to know islam better than 1.7 billion people?

@00:36 he cites will Durant stating the Islamic conquest of India is the bloodiest story in history

All be it the source he provided was a direct reference to the book, I had to look up this very claim and I came across it in danialpipes website as well as several other anti-muslim propaganda websites like the muslim issue
Also wikiquote made a reference to this quotation

So far we have not seen why and what evidence are presented for such hypothesis, I was able however to get the original copy or the source marital in from which where this claim came from, it comes from the book Our Oriental Heritage, the story of civilization, VI. THE MOSLEM CONQUEST on page.495, the problem is, will Durant never cited any evidence for any of his claim, his chapter lacked any footnote let alone any statistics or figures he gave
However, I should note I did find a couple of footnotes written in an obscure matter in that chapter, but none of them lead to that ridiculous conclusion that will Durant made
There are well over 9 recorded footnotes in the chapter that will duran made this claim on, each of these footnotes is related to the treasures and war spoils that Mahmood Ghazni got, but Will Durant doesn’t cite any statistics or any poll date and made the conclusion upon his abstract, there is complete lack of date in that chapter, instead he tries to argue in relation to the wealthiest of muslim empire in india, the closest of what we got of a figure of a death tool in that chapter is the following quote” Sultan Ahmad Shah feasted for three days whenever the number of defenseless Hindus slain in his territories in one day reached twenty thousand. `011678”[2]
He also stated the following:  “attempted a rising, Sultan Alau-d-din (the conqueror of Chitor) had all the males- from fifteen to thirty thousand of them- slaughtered in one day.”
Yet again no figure or source was given even if we get to count 60,000 death tool within three days to this 30,000 reaching 90,000 this can’t be considered the “bloodiest story in history”
Why didn’t sharif bother reading further from the original source before making this asinine claim?
He also stated that Ghazni “the richest king that history has ever Known”[3]
This is empirically false, not only will Durant didn’t give an estimate figure of his wealth he completely neglected far larger than life figures who hunter and build empires far greater than Mahmood Ghazni ever dreamed of dare I say like Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa, the king of Timbuktu, who lived between 1280 and 1337.
It has been told that his wealth reached well over 400 billion dollar [4]
I shall address later on what was the causes for the conquest

@00:47 sharif gabir stated that the number of people who died by the hands of Muslims in India is well over 80 million, this was very predictable, I came across this nonsense so many times that when I was watching his video for the first time I knew he will come up with this figure before he spoke it out
However I will leave an article that took down this claim by it’s roots  and show that this figure of 80 million is nothing but a myth escalated by bill warner, a nonacademic polemics with no qualification of Islamic studies, please read the following article[5]

@00:56 Sharif asks why did those leaders entered India? He answers that its to spread Islam
He cites a book by another nonacademic no critical author Masood Ali Khan “Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism, and Slavery”

Again no evidence was presented, however I should note that this author as I said is nonacademic and let me break down sharif logic, so by stating that breaking down temples and shrines of Hindus therefore Muslim leaders wanted to spread Islam? This is a non sequitur argument, it doesn’t follow
In fact, Muslims had interest in mind in India for many years prior to the conquest, why didn’t they start already from that period?
Classical Muslim historians have paid scant attention to the ·beginnings of Islam in India. Their relative neglect of the subject was due mainly to the fact that India did not become an important part of the Muslim world prior to the establishment of the Delhi Sultanate in the 13th century AD. Even al-Baliidhuri, who devoted a whole chapter in his Futitz al-Buldiinl to the early conquest of Sind and subsequent events there, has furnished us with very little actual information concerning the early history of Islam on the subcontinent[6]
al-Ya'qubi also writes from the vantage point of the 'Abbasi capital and events in Sind interest him only to the extent that they are relevant to important developments in the 'Abbasi empire. The contribution of late. Indo-Persian historiography is not significantly greater. Firishta says, for instance, regarding Multan, that Islam appeared there at the time of Mul).ammad b. al-Qasim. As for the period between·him and,Mal).mftd of Ghazna, "no one recorded the affairs of Multan in the history books; neither are there abundant oral traditions[7]

now here is a closer look at the motivations behind the indian conquest lead by Muhammad Al-Thaqafi
Though the unwillingness of the first caliphs to raid India diminished with the passage of time, it was only during the reign of al-Walid b. 'Abd al-Malik that a major military operation against India was undertaken, backed by the whole might of the caliphate. According to al-Baladhuri's account, the operation was brought about by an' incident involving a ship carrying Muslim women, which had been seized by Pirates off the shores of Sind. Al-haJajjaj demanded that Dahir, the king of Sind, use his authority to release the prisoners; Dahir replied that he was unable. to force the pirates to submit to his will. This reply was considered unsatisfactory by al-hajajjaj, who decided to attack Sind. After two unsuccessful attempts, he appointed the youthful Muhammad b. al-Qasim al-Thaqafi to head the expedition, gathering a large force and making careful preparations to ensure success. One part of the troops took the land route, while another, together with weapons and equipment, was sent by sea. The first Indian city to be stormyd was the port of Daybul. The immediate establishment of a Muslim quarter and the erection of a mosque in the city gave the conquest of Daybul an air of permanence which was lacking during the earlier campaigns. [8]

However, it becomes furthermore clear as we read that the motivations behind the conquest were for imperialist and to further expand upon the caliphate
Modem writers in Arabic and Urdu have extolled the young conqueror's statesmanship· and his alleged religious tolerance. Though many questions regarding this campaign must remain unanswered until new sources hopefully come to light, our knowledge of it is much more detailed than that of the immediately subsequent period in the history of Islam in India. The downfall of Muhammad b. al-Qasim after the accession of Sulayman b. 'Abd al-Malik weakened the Muslim hold on Sind. The army which fought there, composed as it was from the supporters of al-hajjaj, was denied caliphal support: A message sent to it by Sulayman read: "Sow and plow (where you are), for Syria is not yours (anymore)" A new expeditionary force was sent to the Indus region - it is not clear whether the enemy was a local Indian prince or Muslims disloyal to the new caliph[9]
With regards to force conversation
Some historians say that the early invaders tried to convert forcibly the inhabitants of the occupied areas, though they find it difficult to estimate the results of these proselytizing endeavors, some scholars have argued that members of the low castes needed little persuasion to embrace Islam, which saved them from the disabilities imposed upon them by the Hindu society and drastically enhanced their social status [10] [11]

Even after the collapse of the Muslim empire in India and after Muhammad Al-Qasim committing suicide, Muslims didn’t find a safe place from Hindu aggression[12]

However, the argument saying that the down-trodden elements of the Indian population saw in Islam a social order which was capable of liberating them from the oppression from which they suffered, does not give adequate consideration to the Hindu belief according to which the social status of a person is part of the unchangeable world order in which each person and each caste must ungrudgingly perform the duties imposed on it.[13]
In short, there is no clear answer to why there was mass conversion of Hindus into Islam, scholars from both sides argued extensively yet no evidence to be presented that could confirm either a willful conversion of a force conversion

@01:27 Sharif state that the so called slaughter that he is yet to prove with evidence from this source due to the mass genocide was later called Hindu Kush i.e Hinu slaughter, all be it some sources agree that this is the meaning of the name, no evidence present that it was named after an alleged slaughter of Hindus, so far we have seen no figure of any number of death toll at all, how could we affirm the slaughter if no figure or data was given
I’m not denying the existence of any genocide or mass killing but we have no figure no date no poll was presented, so how could we trust this claim?
However, I was able to trace back one of the sources mentioned such claim
It’s found an article titled “Islamic India: The Biggest Holocaust in World History… Whitewashed from History Books “written by Kanhaiya Kumar in academia
Where he writes: “The biggest slaughters took place during the raids of Mahmud Ghaznavi (ca. 1000 CE); during the actual conquest of North India by Mohammed Ghori and his lieutenants (1192 ff.); and under the Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526).” He also writes in his book “Negation in India”: “The Muslim conquests, down to the 16th century, were for the Hindus a pure struggle of life and death. Entire cities were burnt down and the populations massacred, with hundreds of thousands killed in every campaign, and similar numbers deported as slaves. Every new invader made (often literally) his hills of Hindus skulls. Thus, the conquest of Afghanistan in the year 1000 was followed by the annihilation of the Hindu population; the region is still called the Hindu Kush, i.e. Hindu slaughter.”[14]

This is extremely similar to the text shown by sharif in his video, so I assume this is his source
However, if we try to look for this book “Negation in India” there is no result, I tried looking for this book for that author he attributed to, but I did find the intended book and the title is “Negationism in India: concealing the record of Islam”, don’t know if that was a typo error on his part or not, anyways we shall proceed
This book seems to mirror again the same old alleged claim that Muslims killed 80 million Hindus
Here is why this author should not be trusted
To quote the same article I suggested before
“It is claimed that the number is estimated by Elst (who is known for right-wing anti-Muslim bias). However, when we take a look at his book we see this:
 As a contribution to research on the quantity of the Islamic crimes against humanity, we may mention Prof. K.S.Lal’s estimates about the population figures in medieval India (Growth of Muslim Population in India). According to his calculations, the Indian (subcontinent) population decreased by 80 million between 1000 (conquest of Afghanistan) and 1525 (end of Delhi Sultanate). More research is needed before we can settle for a quantitatively accurate evaluation of Muslim rule in India, but at least we know for sure that the term crime against humanity is not exaggerated.

So it’s not Elst’s estimate, but Lal’s estimate. And moreover, it is not an estimate of 80 million murders. It’s an estimate of a population decrease in five centuries, the causes of which may be many, including natural population decrease, conversions, etc.

The problem, however, is that Lal’s estimates are simply fantasies. One cannot take seriously any such estimates based on extremely fragmentary demographic data for the year 1000. Simon Digby writes in his review of Lal’s book, after addressing some of Lal’s assumptions (Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, vol. 38, no. 1, 1975, p. 177):

    Regarding the population of India before A.D. 1000 Lal quotes the guesses of Colin Clark - 70 millions - and Jyotindra Mohan Datta - 200 to 300 millions. He himself prefers 200 millions and he believes that, mainly as a result of the Muslim invasions and presence, the population of India fell from 200 millions in A.D. 1000 to 125 millions in A.D. 1500, to rise under more amiable Mughal rule to 175 millions in 1700.


    The author is known for his detailed studies of the Khalji dynasty and of the fifteenth century Delhi sultanate. He is well versed in the sources of medieval North Indian history. In the present study he has assembled almost all the conceivably relevant data and for this reason it will remain of value as a compendium of references. Yet the unknown variables are so great and the quality of the data yielded by our sources so poor that almost any detailed general estimates of population based upon them must appear willful, if not fantastic. At the time when this review was being written, E. J. Hobsbawm (in New Society, 11 July 1974, 76) called the attention of historians of premodern Europe, who dabble in social statistics based on sources of comparable quality to those of Lal, to an axiom of computer operators ‘GIGO’: this stands for ‘Garbage in - Garbage out’!

A reasonable person can agree with this conclusion. Thus, the figure of “80,000,000” Hindus murdered by Muslims is based on nothing but weak speculations.

Interestingly, elsewhere Elst writes:

    Prof. K.S. Lal once estimated that the Indian population declined by 50 million under the Sultanate, but that would be hard to substantiate; research into the magnitude of the damage Islam did to India is yet to start in right earnest.”[15]

So if we boil it down, Sharif quoted an author who later referred to an anti-muslim right-wing propagandist, and who later was actually citing another author who didn’t provide accurate estimation to the so-called genocide, even by the admission of Elst the estimate of genocide by K.S. Lal is hard to substantiate
What makes it more embarrassing is this 80 million figure as I said before is a population decline and not murder

Later sharif cites the 50 million figure which is again have been dealt with above

@01:58 Sharif said “it was normal that at that day more than 100 thousand human is slaughtered” now hold on there, where are your evidence?
Of course later sharif state that there was mass genocide murder torture and force conversation, all be it I dealt with force conversation earlier, where are the estimate and the sources for all his alleged claims?

@02:14 we finaly see his source for this alleged 100 thousand murder per day, but the ridiculus thing is that his source not only didn’t cite a single reffrence, but also says 100 thousand in every campaign
Campaign is Not a day sharif, so not only you cited a weak anecdotal source, you also strawmaned it
However yet again in his video he doesn’t show what book he is citing from but never the less I was able to find out his source, and his source is Yet again “Negationism in India: concealing the record of Islam” the same book that I have shown earlier to be weak and uncritical

@02:55 we finally leave his weak sources and he says that ISIS studied Islam and know it very well
Where are his sources?
Of course later Sharif cite the infamous incident of Banu Qurayza and how Muhammad killed 700 jew, I will leave a link to a discussion I had in my blog discussing this issue, I might do an extensive research on the issue of banu qurayza
In the meantime here is the discussion[16] 
شهدت مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم مشاهد فيها قتال وخوف، شهدت المريسيع، وخيبر، وكتاب الحديبية، وفي الفتح، وحنين، لم يكن ذلك أتعب لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ولا أخوف عندنا من الخندق، وذلك أن المسلمين كانوا في مثل الحرجة، وأن قريظة لا نأمنها على الذراري. فالمدينة تحرس حتى الصباح تسمع فيها تكبير المسلمين حتى يصبحوا خوفاً
I witnessed with the prophet of god many scenes of killing and fear, I witnessed Marisa’ , and Khaybar, and the book of hudaibia, and in faith and hanin, and there was nothing more troubling and horrifying to the prophet and us other than the khandaq, and that muslims were in a critical situation, and Qurayza were not trusted in keeping the strains safe, so the city was guarded till the morning you can hear the takbir of the muslims until they wake up to horror
Fi dilal al-quran vol.21 page.548
كانت خيبر هي وكر الدس والتآمر، ومركز الاستفزازات العسكرية، ومعدن التحرشات وإثارة الحروب، فلا ننسى أن أهل خيبر هم الذين حزبوا الأحزاب ضد المسلمين، وأثاروا بني قريظة على الغدر والخيانة، ثم أخذوا في الاتصال بالمنافقين - الطابور الخامس في المجتمع الإسلامي - وبغطفان وأعراب البادية، وكانوا هم أنفسهم يستعدون للقتال، وقد عاش المسلمون بسببهم محنًا متواصلة، اضطرت المسلمين إلى الفتك ببعض رؤوسهم أمثال سلام بن أبي الحقيق وأسير بن زارم، ولكن كان لابد من عمل أكبر من ذلك إزاء هؤلاء اليهود، وما كان يمنع النبي من مجابهتهم إلا وجود عدو أكبر وأقوى وألد ألا وهو قريش.


Khaybar was the nest of trickery and plotting, and the center of military provocations, and the metal of harassment and spreading wars, so we shall not forget that the people of Khaybar are the ones insinuating the tribes against the muslims, and banu qurayza were insisted on betrayal and trickery, so they came in contact with the hypocrites - the fifth column in Islamic community- and gitfan and the arabs of the villages, and they themselves also were ready to fight (referring to banu qurayza), and the muslims because of them lived critical and hard times, the muslims had to kill their heads like salam bin abi haqiq and asir bin zarim, but something bigger has to be done to remove these jews, and Muhammad didn’t want to fight them at that time because of a bigger enemy and that is Quraish
Gaza Khaybar, diros wa ‘ibar page.11”

Of course, I have cited my blog because there is a footnote that provides a traditional hadith that indicate it was Not Muhammad who ordered to kill allegedly 700 Jews so please read the article first then proceed to read this section above

However, as I was looking at his description in regards to the jews if banu qurayza, he cites an Arabic website, the problem is again as expected (and I started to see a theme here) sharif is citing a writer that provided no sources at all, the thread of the article is directly taken from a writer by the Name of Muhammad Yusif Al-Malifi, the thread gives a link to the original post where it came from, the problem is, the link is broken and return an error 404
So not only the original source is missing, the author provided no sources no reference for any of their claim

@03:18 Sharif cites a story and allegation of the murder of nazir bin Harith
I already dealt with this alleged story and shall link my blog Again[17]

Later he cites story of Um Qarfa the old lady that Muhammad allegedly cut her in half
Is this story true?
The answer is no, infact if you can read Arabic and look up the story, you will literally find hundreds upon hundreds of Muslim websites debunking it, this story is classified as one of the weakest and the easiest to refute, of course I will not use any website, instead I I will use the only source that provide an actual Sanad to this story

أخبرنا أبو محمد بن طاوسو أنبا ابو الغنائم بن ابي عثمان قالوا: أنا عبد الله بن عبيد الله بي يحيى المؤدب, نا أبو عبد الله المحاملي, نا عبد الله بي شيب, نا أبراهيم بن يحيى, حدثني ابي عن محمد بن اسحاق, عن زهري, عن عروة, عن عائشة قالت:
أتانا زيد بن حارثة فقام اليه رسول الله يجر ثوبه فقبل وجهه, فقالت عائشة: و كانت أم قرفة جهزت اربعين راكب من ولدها وولد ولدها الى رسول الله ليقاتلوه, فأرسل اليهم رسول الله زيد بن حارثة فقتلهم و قتل أم قرفة و أرسل بدرعها الى رسول الله فنصبه بالمدينة بين رمحين[18]
Abu Muhammad bin Tawoos said and Abu Al-Ganaim bin abi Uthman both said: we were told by Abdullah bin Ubaid bin Yahya Al-Muadab, abu abdullah al-muhami told us, abdullah abi sahib told us, Ibrahim  bin Yahyah told us, from my father from Muhammad bin Ishaq, from Zuhri from Urwa from Aisha she said:
Zaid bin Harith came to us so the prophet stood up dragging his clothes running toward him and kissed his face Aisha said: and Um Girfa gathered a group of forty men among them are her sons and her son’s sons to the prophet to assassinate him, so Muhammad in response sent to them zaid bin haritha so he killed them and killed um qirfa, and sent her body to the prophet and he placed it on two spears in madina

Right of the bat we see the justifications, umm qirfa was trying to kill Muhammad, even if we accept the authenticity of this narration, Muhammad has the right to defend himself, but why didn’t sharif mention this in his video? Either he is dishonest or that he is not as knowledgeable as he claims to be
Now let us see if this story stands to its merits
As you can see, I made underline under two names, these names are weak narrators who are unacceptable
The first one, Ibrahim bin Yahya
 “Ibrahim bin Yahyah bin Muhammad bin Ubad bin Hani Al-shajari and from his father
Ibn Abi Hatim considred him weak
And Muhammad ibn isma’il al-tirmidi: I never saw one more blind in heart than him\
I told him your father told you and he said: your father told you? I told him Ibrahim bin Sa’ad and he said: Ibrahim bin sa’ad told you
Al-Azdi said he is denied in hadith”[19]
Al-Duafa Wa Al-Matruken vol.1 page.60
“Ibrahim bin Yahyah bin Muhammad bin Hani Al-shajari
Ibn Abi Hatim said: he is weak, and azdari said: he is denied and from his father”[20]

So we already see that both he and his father are weak, but what about only his father?
 “yahyah bin Muhammad bin Mu’ad bin Hani al-Shajari, father of abu Ibrahim narrating from bin Ishaq
Abu Hatim Al-razi considered him weak
And Uqaili said: in his Hadith denied narrations and errors and he was weak in what he narrate to me and he had to be corrected….(he later on the next page narrate the same story sharif is citing an example of this weak narrator)……I said this hadith is Munkar (denined) Ibrahim from his father were mentioned in it”[21]
What about Muhammad ibn Ishaq? Will he is considered mudalis, meaning he fabricate stories (this is the man who wrote the biography of the prophet so next time you hear someone say read the biography of the prophet tell them they need to provide sanad and authentication for each story)
 “5725-Muhammad ibn Ishaq Al-yasar….trustworthy but fabricates”[22]

Conclusion to part-1
This is going to be the first part of my initial reply, I noticed that if I continue to make this a full reply to the full video the article will be too long to read, the next part will come some
I also needed to post this sooner due to the fact I was away from the blog just to keep it active

The next part will be coming soon inshallah

[1] Friedmann, ‘‘A contribution to the early history of Islam in India’’; Gabrieli,
‘‘Muhammad ibn al-Qa ¯sim al-Thaqaf ı ¯ and the Arab Conquest of Sind.
[2] Will Durant page.498
[3] Ibid 496
[4] http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/king-mansa-musa-named-richest-history-article-1.1186261
[5] http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/39361_Fact-Checking_Pamela_Geller-_270_Million_Victims_of_Islam
[6] A contribution to the early history of Islam in India by Yohanan Friedmann page.309
[7] Ibid 310
[8] Ibid 312
[9] Ibid 313
[10] Ibid 319
[11] Aziz Ahmad, Studies in Islamic Culture in the Indian Environment (Oxford, 1964), 82; Abdur Rauf, Renaissance of Islamic Culture and Civilization in Pakistan (Lahore, 1965), 74-79; W.W. Hunter, "The religions of India," The Times (February 25, 1888) (quoted in Arnold, The Preaching of Islam [London, 1896], 229-230); Ram Gopal, The Indian Muslims (Bombay, 1964), 1; Habibullah, The Foundation of Muslim Rule in India (Allahabad, 1961), 1
[12] Ibid 315
[13] H. Zimmer, Philosophies of India (New York, 1960), 40-41, 106, 151-153, 163; cf. K.S. Lal, Growth of Muslim Population in Medieval India (Delhi, 1973), 193
[14] https://www.academia.edu/19900006/Islamic_India_The_Biggest_Holocaust_in_World_History_Whitewashed_from_History_Books
[15] http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/39361_Fact-Checking_Pamela_Geller-_270_Million_Victims_of_Islam
[16] http://azblogtalk.blogspot.com/2016/07/the-masked-arab-and-dunning-kruger.html
[17] http://azblogtalk.blogspot.com/2016/06/the-masked-arab-and-dunning-kruger.html
[18] Tarikh Madina Dimasq Vol.19 Page364
[19] Mizan Al-I’tidal li nagid al rijal by Imam Sahms Al-din Al-zahabi vol.1 page.202-203
[20] Al-Duafa Wa Al-Matruken vol.1 page.60
[21] Mizan Al-I’tidal li nagid al rijal by Imam Sahms Al-din Al-zahabi vol.7 page.217
[22] Takrib al-Tahdib by Imam Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani page.403

Monday, October 24, 2016

Sharif Gabir and the Dunning Kruger effect, Did Muhammad plagiarized Greek embryology?

(English isn't my first language so i might make grammatical mistakes)
Here Sharif gets into more important matters where he attempts to claim that the claims in quranic embryology was already known, now I want to clear up some future confusion here before anyone read the article, just because I’m debunking a polemicist who is trying to show a quranic scientific error doesn’t mean I believe there is scientific miracles in the quran, all what I say is don’t misrepresent the quran, infact I consider the claim  of scientific errors more ludicrous than scientific miracles
There is literally not a single argument here that is correct (although sharif corrected in his video discretion some of his mistakes) now let us beign

@00:31 First he cites Hippocrates and he state that Hippocrates believed semen has contact with female egg to form fetus, I check his source in the description I couldn’t find the source, however I was able to access the closest possible quote from that book through quran error website (http://www.quran-errors.com/the-quran-and-semen-production.html)
“1. 1) All things are governed by law. The sperm of the human male comes from all the humour in the body: it consists of the most potent part of this fluid, which is secreted from the rest. The evidence that it is the most potent part which is secreted is the fact that even though the actual amount we emit in intercourse is very small, we are weakened by its loss. What happens is this: there are veins and nerves which extend from every part of the body to the penis. When as the result of gentle friction these vessels grow warm and become congested, they experience a kind of irritation, and in consequence, a feeling of pleasure and warmth arises over the whole body. 2) Friction on the penis and the movement of the whole man cause the fluid in the body to grow warm; becoming diffuse and agitated by the movement it produces a foam, in the same way as all other fluids produce foam when they are agitated. But in the case of the human being what is secreted as foam is the most potent and the richest part of the humour. This humour is diffused from the brain into the loins and the whole body, but in particular into the spinal marrow: for passages extend into this from the whole body, which enable the humour to pass to and from the spinal marrow. 3) Once the sperm has entered the spinal marrow it passes in its course through the veins along the kidneys (sometimes if there is a lesion of the kidneys, blood is carried along with the sperm). From the kidneys it passes via the testicles into the penis not however by the urinary tract, since it has a passage of its own which is next to the urinary tract.

Those who have nocturnal emissions have them for the following reason; when the humour in the body becomes diffuse and warmed throughout – whether through fatigue or through some other cause - it produces foam. As this is secreted, the man sees visions as though he were having intercourse, for the fluid is precisely the same as that which is emitted in intercourse. However, erotic dreams and the nature and effects of this whole complaint, and why it is a precursor of insanity, is no part of my present subject. So much then for that.

2. 1) The reason that eunuchs do not have intercourse is that their spermal passage is destroyed. This passage lies through the testicles themselves. Moreover, the testicles are connected to the penis by a mass of slender ligaments, which raise and lower the penis. These are cut off in the operation, and that is why eunuchs are impotent. In the case of those whose testicles are crushed, the spermal passage is blocked, for the testicles are damaged and the ligaments, becoming calloused and insensitive as a result of the damage, are no longer able to tighten and relax. 2) Those on the other hand that have had an incision made by the ear can indeed have intercourse and emit sperm, but the amount is small, weak and sterile. For the greater part of the sperm travels from the head past the ears into the spinal marrow; now when the incision has formed a scar, this passage becomes obstructed. In the case of children, their vessels are narrow and blocked, and therefore prevent the passage of sperm, so that the irritation cannot occur as it does in the adult. Hence the humour in the body cannot be agitated sufficiently to secrete sperm. 3) Girls while they are still young do not menstruate for the same reason. But as both boys and girls grow, the vessels which extend in the boy’s case to the penis and in the girl’s to the womb, open out and become wider in the process of growth; a way is opened up through the narrow passages, and the humour, finding sufficient space, can become agitated. That is why when they reach puberty, sperm can flow in the boy and the menses in the girl. Such is my explanation of these facts.

3. 1) The sperm is, as I say, secreted from the whole body - from the hard parts as well as from the soft, and from the total humour. This humour has four forms: blood, bile, water, and phlegm. All four are innate in man, and they are the origin of disease. (I have already discussed these forms, and why both diseases and their resolutions come from them.) I have now dealt with the subject of sperm: its origin, how and why it originates, and in the case of those who do not have sperm, why this is so; and I have dealt with menstruation in girls.

4. 1)In the case of women, it is my contention that when during intercourse the vagina receives friction and the womb is disturbed, an irritation is set up in the womb which produces pleasure and heat in the rest of the body. A woman also emits something from her body, sometimes into the womb, which then becomes moist, and sometimes externally as well, if the womb is open wider than normal. Once intercourse has begun, she experiences pleasure throughout the whole time, until the man ejaculates. If her desire for intercourse is excited, she emits before the man, and for the remainder of the time she does not feel pleasure to the same extent; but if she is not in a state of excitement, then her pleasure terminates along with that of the man. 2) What happens is this: if into boiling water you pour another quantity of water which is cold, the water stops boiling. In the same way, the man’s sperm arriving in the womb extinguishes both the heat and the pleasure of the woman. Both the pleasure and the heat reach their peak simultaneously with the arrival of the sperm in the womb, and then they cease. If, for example, your pour wine on a flame, first of all the flame flares up and increases for a short period when you pour the wine on, then it dies away. In the same way the woman’s heat flares up in response to the man’s sperm, and then dies away.”[1]
I’ve done my research and infact during that era, scientists didn’t believe that fetus is formed from semen contact with female egg, there is not a single mention of the union between seminal fluid and eggs above, how did sharif make such idiotic claim?
However, I shall return to the subject of translations that he will mention later on, I will also deal with al harith bin Kilda and his alleged school that he mentioned later in his video

Sharif cites Aristotle, and he state that Aristotle agreed with Hippocrates in regards to the stages of embryology, but disagreed regarding the third stage being bones forming before muscles, he showed a screenshot of a text from page 26 of Aristotle book on animal parts, that reads the following “round about the bones, and attached to them by thin fibrous bands, grow the fleashy parts”
his source can’t be found, instead I found this quote in another link[2]

However, in regards to Galen I couldn’t believe what sharif did so let’s see what he did there
@01:48 he cites Galen and gives the reference to his book on semen and he quotes it as follows “The substance from which the fetus is formed is not merely menstrual blood… the two semens”
I want everyone to keep in mind the above quote, this is how Sharif misquoted Galen so let’s see the full quote

The full quote is as follows
“The substance from which the fetus is formed is not merely menstrual blood, as Aristotle maintained, but menstrual blood plus the two semens[3]

As we can see, he thinks fetus is formed out of the combination of two semen and menstrual blood
Not the combination of male semen and female egg as how sharif stated

This is both a strawman and a misquotation, why did sharif emit the part “as Aristotle maintained, but menstrual blood plus”
However, at 02:15 finally we see this missing quote mentioned as sharif state “as Aristotle maintained, but menstrual blood”
The problem here is not only again this is count as a misquotation, but for non arab speaking audience here sharif mistranslated what Galen said, as we can see he state that It’s a mix of menstrual blood, but sharif state it as “دم متجلط” literally means “blood clot” blood clot is Not a menstrual blood, how did sharif understood Galen menstrual blood in English as blood clot in Arabic?
This is why I don’t take arab ex muslims seriously who say that since they speak Arabic therefore they can be critical of the quran (example the ex muslim in his video promotion in the amazing atheist channel)
Later sharif quote “But when it has been filled with blood, and heart, brain and liver are still unarticulated and unshaped”
as he state this is the second stage which articulate the formation of the embryo
The problem here is this is Not what the quran describe, if the quran truly copied galled it would have used the word ملأت in meaning of filled and دم  in meaning of being filled with blood and flesh, the problem is, in the second stage, no where does the quran state it’s flesh filled with blood, the key word here is ‘Alaqa which means either something to be hanged or blood clot, nothing in relation to flesh at all, how did sharif associated that with the quran?
This is regarded in galen as the second stage not the third stage
Sharif mixed two stages he misquoted the first sentence to make it as one stage then later took the misquoted part mistranslated it as blood clot when actual it says menstrual blood, then later mentions the stage of unshaped embryo and associated it with mudga which is the third stage in the quran
(you can read Lane lexicon translation of mudgha[4])
Later sharif state that the final fifth stage is the formation of the muscles around the bones, he quotes the following “thous it (nature) cause the flesh to grow on and around the bones”
Now this is not only a strawman this is not regarded as the final stage let us explore now the third stage (I shall correct sharif later on and compare his stages of galen to his actual ones”
“The third period follows on this, when, as was said, it is possible to see the three ruling parts clearly and a kind of outline, a silhouette, as it were, of all the other parts. You will see the conformation of the three ruling parts more clearly, that of the parts of the stomach more dimly, and much more still, that of the limbs. Later on they form ‘twigs’, as Hippocrates expressed it, indicating by the term their similarity to branches.“[5]
As Galen state, this is the third stage after the second period that talks about the shape of the embryo (however I shall deal with sharif statement that the quran describe embryo as well as unshaped substance)

As we see above Galen describe what is called three ruling parts and he call them more visible than stomach, he mentioned it as the formation of limbs bones, something the quran never talked about, how is that similar to the quran in any way shape or form? Second, mugah would have been similar to the ancient Greek word ἐμβρύειον that describe the flesh of the embryo[6], however mudgah means a chewed like substance, how could mudgah be similar to the word “three ruling parts”?
I will deal with the issue of muscles being formed after the bones later on but let’s compare Galen actual stages to sharif misrepresentation of Galen

Sharif interpretation of Galen stages:
1.       the semen of men and women being nutfa
2.       blood clot
3.       unshaped piece of flesh (mudgah)
4.       bones
5.       flesh coving bones

Galen Actual stages:
1.       The first is that in which. as is seen both in abortions and in dissection, the form of the semen prevails. At this time

2.       But when it has been filled with blood, and heart, brain and liver are still unarticulated and unshaped yet have by now a certain solidarity and considerable size, this is the second period; the substance of the foetus has the form of flesh and no longer the form of semen.

3.       The third period follows on this, when, as was said, it is possible to see the three ruling parts clearly and a kind of outline, a silhouette, as it were, of all the other parts. You will see the conformation of the three ruling parts more clearly, that of the parts of the stomach more dimly, and much more still, that of the limbs. Later on they form ‘twigs’, as Hippocrates expressed it, indicating by the term their similarity to branches

4.       The fourth and final period is at the stage when all the parts in the limbs have been differentiated; and at this part Hippocrates the marvellous no longer calls the foetusan embryo only, but already a child, too when he says that it jerks and moves as ananimal now fully formed (Arabic `A new creation')."[7]

Now compare the above stages to sharif stages, how can they be similar?
The stages of embryo by Galen can be summarized as follows
1-it dissect as a formation from the semen that prevails
2-it will be filled with blood and heart and liver will form into an unshaped form
3-three ruling pars and outlines will form to give us limbs bones and twigs
4-the embryo is fully formed

Now let us describe the quranic stages:
1-a mixed dropped liquid of both semen of man attacked to women semen
2-a blood clot like substance will form
3- a chewed like substance will form
5-proto muscles (not muscles but proto muscles we will talk about this)

03:13 now we shall discuss the translations of Galen works, were they translated before Muhammad? Sharif state that they have been translated by sergius of reshaina
He states that he took Galen works and other companions with him to Persia
Now here comes the most important and embarrassing part, he mentions that there he made several schools including one called jundishapur or Gundeshapur
However, did this school actually exist? Several scholars have inserted doubt into wither or not this school existed
(the following have been taken from Hamza Tzortiz article regarding Harith bin Kilda)
“An influential mythology has developed around Nestorian activity in the city of Gondeshapur [Jundishapur] in south-western Persia. According to the often-repeated legend, the Nestorians turned Gondeshapur into a major intellectual center by the sixth century, establishing what some enthusiasts have chosen to call a university, where instruction in all of the Greek disciplines could be obtained. It is alleged that Gondeshapur had a medical school, with a curriculum based on Alexandrian textbooks, and a hospital modeled on Byzantine hospitals, which kept the realm supplied with physicians trained in Greek medicine. Of greatest importance, Gondeshapur is held to have played a critical role in the translation of Greek scholarship into Near Eastern languages and, indeed, to have been the single most important channel by which Greek science passed to the Arabs. Recent research has revealed a considerably less dramatic reality. We have no persuasive evidence for the existence of a medical school or a hospital at Gondeshapur, although, there seems to have been a theological school and perhaps an attached infirmary. No doubt Gondeshapur was the scene of serious intellectual endeavour and a certain amount of medical practice —it supplied a string of physicians for the Abbasid court at Baghdad beginning in the eighth century— but it is doubtful that it ever became a major center of medical education or of translating activity. If the story of Gondeshapur is unreliable in its details, the lesson it was meant to teach is nonetheless valid.”[8]

“Jundishapur was certainly a meeting place for Arab, Greek, Syriac and Jewish intellectuals, but there is no evidence that any medical academy existed there. Only in the early ninth century did Arab–Islamic learned medicine take shape.”[9]
The scholars took it far to even doubt harith bin Kilda integrity as a doctor
“In these latter sources the information about al-Harith is fragmentary, references to his profession as a doctor are not consistent and, where they occur, tend to be incidental, and there seems to be little information about the nature of his medicine or detail about his life.”[10]

Bin Kalada was from al-Ta’if, a town which came into contact with Islam only in the 8th year of the Islamic calendar[11]

There has been some scholars I came across who even doubted if harith bin Kilda ever existed, but I don’t consider that to be highly probable

Now what about the translation. Where they actually made before the prophet time? I’ve done my own independent research on this

“the bases of translation were in the capital of the abased era Baghdad from the house of wisdom, and it’s a center where several scholars have gathered and translated several work to Arabic from wide range of non muslim works, the credit was to the Christians being able to master the Greek language and Cyrillic and the main personality was hinyan bin ishaq also known to the west as juhavintus who is a Nestorian Christian  from the south of Iraq from the town of hara, with his students he translated approximately 129 works of Galen”[12]

According to historian Donald Campbell in his book Arabian Medicine and Its Influence on the Middle Ages
“Yuhana Al-Nahawi and Haron Al-Qisis who is also the yaksandari lived at the time of Muhammad and harun gathered  thirty Cyrillic books, and they are a groups of works associated to Greek, these are called benedict haroun, and they were translated to Arabic in the year 638 A.D by the Syrian jew masir juahiri, and they were aimed at translating the first works of Greek medicine to Arabic[13]

So far we have seen that there have been evidence presented that the Greek translations could not have possibly reached Muhammad, we also need to cap with the fact that Muhammad can’t read or write so how could he read these works

I shall deal now with the issue of bones forming before the flesh, now let us examine the verse in question
“We (God) created man from a quintessence of clay. We then placed him as a nutfah (drop) in a place of settlement, firmly fixed, then We made the drop into an 'alaqah (leech-like structure), and then We changed the 'alaqah into a mudghah (chewed-like substance), then We made out of that mudghah, 'izsm (skeleton, bones), then (we shall discuss what then means here) We clothed the bones with labm (muscles, flesh), then We caused him to grow and come into being and attain the definitive (human) form. So, blessed be God, the best to create."
The development of bones here is described as osteogensis
During embryogenesis, the dermomyotome and/or myotome in the somites contain the myogenic progenitor cells that will evolve into the prospective skeletal muscle[14]
These are called proto muscles, or tissues formed before the actual development of the actual skeletal muscles, these are need to be distinct from regular muscles that are referred as laham here or flesh

During the second month the Ossification (bone formation) begins[15]

Here is a comprehensive breakdown of stages from start to muscle formation
“Week 4

At the beginning of the 4th week, the somites (4) are well formed and the neural tube is also formed but it is opened at the rostral and caudal neuropores (p. 81, fig. 5.8).
Upper limb buds become recognizable during week 4 (day 26 or 27) and the lower limb buds become present by the end of week 4 (day 28; p. 84, fig. 5.12).  The patterning of the limb development is regulated by Homeobox-containing (Hox) genes.
The upper limb buds appear low on the embryo due to the dominant development of the head and neck.
The upper limb buds form opposite the caudal cervical segments and lower limb buds form opposite the lumbar and upper sacral segments.
Limb bud (p. 366, fig. 16-2)

Each limb bud consists of a mass of mesenchyme derived from the somatic mesoderm, covered by a layer of ectoderm. At the tip of each limb bud, ectodermal cells form an apical ectodermal ridge, which promotes growth and development of the limbs in the proximo-distal axis .  Fibroblast growth factors and T-box genes (tbx-4 and tbx-5) from the apical ectodermal ridge activate the mesenchymal cells at the posterior margin of the limb bud (the zone of polarizing activity).  This causes expression of the Sonic Hedgehog gene, which controls the patterning of the limb along the anterior-posterior axis.  Expression of Wnt7 from the dorsal epidermis of the limb bud and engrailed-1 (EN-1) from the ventral aspect specifies the dorsal-ventral axis

Week 5

Bones appear during week 5 as mesenchymal condensations in the limb buds (p. 371, fig. 16-7)
Upper limbs show regional differentiation with developing hand plates (p. 367, fig. 16-3).
Week 6 (p. 354, fig. 14-14; p. 371, fig. 16-7)

Mesenchymal models of the bones in the limbs undergo chondrification to form hyaline cartilage.
The clavicle develops by intramembranous ossification and later develops articular cartilages.
The cartilage models form sooner in the upper limb than in the lower limb and in a proximodistal sequence.
Further differentiation of the limb buds during week 6 (p. 367, fig. 16-3):

Identifiable elbow and wrists regions are formed.
Hand plates develop ridges, called digital rays and these will become the future thumb and fingers. At the tip of each digital ray is a portion of the apical ectodermal ridge. It induces development of the mesenchyme into the primordia of bones. Areas between the rays contain loose mesenchyme.
Development of the lower limb buds is always slower by a few days.
Week 7

Loose mesenchyme between the digital rays break down and notches appear between the digital rays in the hand plates.
Digital rays form in the foot plate.
Ossification in the long bones begin by the end of the embryonic period (week 7). The primary centers are in the diaphyses (p. 343, fig. 14-5).
 Limb muscles are formed by myogenic precursor cells that migrate into the limb buds and differentiate into myoblasts.  They are derived from the dorsolateral muscle-forming region of the somites, an area which expresses the muscle-specific genes MyoD and myf-5.  Expression of  MyoD results from the influence of activating Wnt proteins and inhibitory BMP-4 protein.  The myoblasts form a muscle mass which divides into a dorsal (extensor) and ventral (flexor) compartments.”[16]
(from Indiana state univercity)

So as we can see, bones are formed alongside proto muscles tissues, these proto muscles then during the 7th week evolve into fully developed limbs muscles

Now let us deal with the final accusation sharif made against Keith L. Moor

Sharif state at 06:15 that Keith L. Moor state in a book he associated it to him titled “A history of embryology” that quran merely echoes or reflect previous claims of embryology

Now this is a disaster, Keith Moore didn’t auther such book, sharif falsely attributed this book to Keith Moore, I looked up this book everywhere and couldn’t find it, the closest book we have to this is A History of Embryology (1959), by Joseph Needham

In conlcustion this is another embaressing video that shows how lackluster sharif is in critical thinking and scientific learning, I’m not claiming this is a scientific miracle, but again don’t strawman the quran

[1] Hippocrates, The Hippocratic Treatises, "On Generation," "On the Nature of the Child," "Diseases IV", Translated by Walter de Cruyter, 1981, pp. 1-2.
[2] https://books.google.iq/books?id=MLbmAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA1020&lpg=PA1020&dq=round+about+the+bones,+and+attached+to+them+by+thin+fibrous+bands,+grow+the+fleshy+parts&source=bl&ots=kjRKj0Ekht&sig=u7thYdVA0IQQ1r7XIzDKqZAnFEI&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjV2vXPzvHPAhVGXCwKHRquBukQ6AEIIzAB#v=onepage&q=round%20about%20the%20bones%2C%20and%20attached%20to%20them%20by%20thin%20fibrous%20bands%2C%20grow%20the%20fleshy%20parts&f=false
[3] Galen - On Semen Page.5
[4] An Arabic-English Lexicon. Librairie Du Liban. 1968. Vol. 5, page 2134
[5] Galeni de Semine (Galen: On Semen) pages 92-95.
[6] Greek-English Lexicon. 7th Edition. Harper and Brothers. 1883, page 460.
[7] Corpus Medicorum Graecorum: Galeni de Semine (Galen: On Semen) (Greek textwith English trans. Phillip de Lacy, Akademic Verlag, 1992) section I:9:1-10, pp. 92-95
[8] David C. Lindberg. The Beginnings of Western Science. University Of Chicago Press. 1992, pages, 164-165
[9] Roy Porter. The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: A Medical History of Humanity. Fontana Press.1999, page,94.
[10] The Islamic World: From Classic to Modern Times. Edited, C. E. Bosworth et al. Darwin. 1991, page 129
[11] This chapter is a Meccan which means that the verses were revealed before the migration (hijrah) to Medina. The conquest of Ta’if occurred after hijrah. The Qur’an: A New Translation. Oxford University Press. 2005, page 215
[12] The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: A Medical History of Humanity (The Norton History of Science) by roy poter, page.95
[13] Arabian Medicine and Its Influence on the Middle Ages by Donald Campbell page.47
[14] Ito, Yoshiaki. "A Systems Approach and Skeletal Myogenesis". International Journal of Genomics. Hindawi Publishing Organization
[15] https://web.archive.org/web/20120301011824/http://www.nsbri.org/HumanPhysSpace/focus6/student1.html
[16] http://web.indstate.edu/thcme/duong/EMBRYOL.html