Friday, May 25, 2018

Introduction to mustalah Alhadith (the terminology of Hadith)

Today we will tackle the principle and the most basic and simple one of them and for those of you who read Arabic to read regarding hadith terminology which can be accessed via

Hadith and Athir ألأثر Main division

You probably already know what Hadith is but for the sake of argument, Hadith is whatever narrated words that are attributed to the prophet of words or saying or action, however, Athir literally means trace is whatever narration that was attributed to any of the companions or sahabah rather than the prophet himself

Sanad and matin متن
By this point you probably already know aswell what sanad is, but most of you are probably unaware of what Matin is
Sanad is the chain of narrators connected to Matin
Matin متن is the body text of the hadith
Qawa’id: are the rules in which sanad and matin are based upon, which we will deal with later
Mutawater and Ahad
Hadith is divided in authenticity in two parts, Mutawater متوتر, and Mufrad مفرد 
Mutawater : what has been narrated by large quantity of narrators that it’s impossible for them to lie.
As the definition state, it’s nearly impossible for the narrators of mutawater to lie, as it’s the highest form of authenticity among sahih catagories
Mutawater has two types however
Mutawater Laphthi لفضي, and mutawater ma’nawi معنوي
1-     Mutawater Laphthi: is what it’s meaning and spelling have been considered mutawater
2-     Mutawater ma’nawi: is what had it’s meaning considered mutawater without spelling

Ahad الأحاد
Ahad is divided into two categories Maqbol مقبول  (accepted), Mardud (da’if weak) and mushtarak bain maqbul wa mardud (shared between accepted and weak)
And it’s divided based on it's type to three types:
‘aziz precious: it’s narrators are not less than two people
Gharib Strange: it’s the hadith that has one narrator
Mashhor Famous: what has been narrated by more than three but never reach the level of Mutawater Greatness
It’s divided into two subcategories
1.      based on its rank
2.      based on an act or not based on it

1.       based on it’s rank :Sahih, Hasan
Sahih: what had its sanad connected with no abnormality no doubt and it has two types
Sahih for its own
Sahih Based on another: and it’s hasan based on its own merit if it was narrated by another stronger than it

Hasan it’s sahih but with less strength
it has two types aswell
Hasan based on it’s own
hasan based on another: it’s the weak hadith based on weakness not on narrators nature to lie and deceive, but was authenticated by another Hadith based on the same matin

 Based on an act or not based on it
and it’s subdivided into three categories:
1.      Hadith Muhkam
2.      Mukhtalaf alhadith
3.      Nasikh and mansukh
Hadith Muhkam accepted: the accepted hadith that is cleared from any flaw
Mukhtalaf alhadith differentiated: accepted hadith but has differentiated opinion about it, but can be gathered together
Nasikh and Mansukh abrogated: what the ruling have been lifted off, the hadith that is revealed earlier is abrogated by the one that is revealed later

Mardod (Da’if weak) is one of the Ahad subcategories and contain many subcategories dedicated to be divided based on either hadith alone or narrator weakness
Da’if: what has lost one of the conditions of acceptance in hadith
And it’s subdivided to two categories
1-     What is considered Weak duo to Sanadand it’s subdivided to two:

·         Saqat thahir (what is unhidden in it’s weakness)
And it’s subdivided to 4 categories
1-      Mu’alaq hanged: what fallen from it’s isnad a narrator or more on parallel
2-      Mursal disconnected: what had one of it’s narrators disconnected
3-      Mu’thal problematic: what had two of it’s narrators fallen
4-      Munqati’ disconnected from the rest: what it’s sanad didn’t connect to the rest

·         What has been considered weak due to hidden failure
And it’s divided to 4 subcategories aswell:
AlMudalas deceptive: what appear to be hasan but has a hidden flaw
Almursal Alkhifi hidden disconnected: what narrated from other narrators who he never heard of
Almuanan by : when a narrator says “we were told by someone that someone”
Almu’anan from: when a narrator says “from this narrator and this narrator”
2-     what has been considered weak due to a flaw with the narrator
and it’s has 10 different classifications
Mawtho’ falsely inserted: what has been falsely attributed to the prophet
Matruk lefted: what had one narrator fall to criticism
Munkar denied: what has been narrated by someone considered Da’if , and had a narrator exposed as weak and bad at memorization
Alm’alal: what had been considered flawed but is not apparent to do so
Almudraj: what had part of it’s narration inserted in it without any good
Ma wothif lil sanad almutasil (what has been added to sanad that is connected): an extra narrator in a chain of narration that appears to be valid
Shath abnormal: what has been narrated by someone who is trustworthy in contrast to what the rest of trusted narrators cite
Mushaf inserted to the text: what had words in it changed in contrast to what trustworthy stated either by saying or meaning
Muthtardib unbalanced: what has  been narrated by many trusted forms but are different to one another that makes you feel the narrator is not will be coordinated
Maqlub fliped: what had a narrator or matin replaced it by another either forward or backward

mushtarak bain maqbul wa mardud (shared between accepted and weak)

this category basicly makes the claim that some defintions and terms of Ahad can be shared between weak and accepted, merely as catagories and not as difinate scale of authenticity
there are two types for it
·         based on what has been narrated to it:
1-     Alhadith Alqudsi (the prophetic hadith) : what has ben narrated to us from prophet Muhammad by isnad chain for god

2-     Almawquf held: what has been added to a sahabi companion of a saying or act or such
3-     Marfu’ attributed to: what has been inserted to the prophet from act or saying or attributes
4-     Almaqtu’ disconnected: what has been attributed to a tabi’I follower from act or saying without him saying it

·         Other types:
1-     Almusnad attributed to the prophet: what had it’s chain of narration attributed to the prophet as connected
2-     mutabi’ followed: the hadith that is in agreement to what the follower said
3-     Shahid witnessed: a hadith that is in agreement with the singular narrator  but with a difference of companion
4-     Mutasil connected: what had it chain connected regardless if it was Marfu’ or Mauqof
5-     Ziada ila al thiqat extra trust: what it’s trust worth have been increased due to other trusted sources mentioning it

Credit to doctor Abdul Qadir Ja’far for his works have aided me in my studies


  1. Do more than one weak hadiths saying the same thing make a sahih hadith,when combined?

    1. No, the conditions of how to accept a hadith authenticity (which we will explore in near future) require for chain of narration for narrators to be not only trusted but known as well observers and have rational cognitive abilities and good memorizes, trust alone is not a key in determining hadith authenticity let along the amount hadith saying the same thing.

  2. Why were the boys with punic hair also killed at banu qurayza. Sometimes children at 12 have pubic hair but this doesnt mean they arr at the right stage in life and right mentality to be making decisions for their life and death because they have grown some hair??

    1. because anyone who engage in battle against muslims thir gender/age is not excluded, onse you pick a weapon and try to kill a muslim by sharia you are considered Harbi meaning combatant regardless of your age and gender, that applies to the children of banu qurayza (and no source state they were 12)

  3. I read about "umm walad" that they are to be set free at the death of their owner and can no longer be sold, but in your articles you said that you cant have sex with slaves, only with former slaves that you have already freed and married.
    So is all sex rhat lead to "umm walad" zina ?

    1. umm walad simply means a mother of a child, they are to be set free at the death of their owner correct, but only if she gave birth, the child she bared is not necessarily the offspring of her owner, remember a man can't have sexual intercourse with slaves unless he 1-set them free 2-marry them
      however that is not correct, when she give birth she is set lose from slavery automatically but upon her master death she is set free from captivity completely, in short she is partly free when she give birth, but set free automatically upon her master death

    2. When she give birth she is set lose from slavery

      If you cant have sex with her without marriage,i e. while she was still a slave, how could she be pregnant by you?

    3. In theory, the recognition by a master of his offspring by a slave woman was optional in Islamic society, and in the early period was often withheld. By the High Middle Ages it became normal and was unremarkable in a society where the sovereigns themselves were almost invariably the children of slave concubines.[54] The mother receives the title of "umm walad" (lit. mother of a child)[55]
      This seems to say that the child is the master's one.

    4. Also the Oxford islamic studies define her as :
      Umm al-Walad Mother of the son. Refers to a slave woman impregnated by her owner, thereby bearing a child. In the opinion of many classical jurists, such a slave woman cannot be sold.

    5. "she be pregnant by you?"
      1-do you have any evidence that pregnancy can happen without marriage?
      2-do you have any source that verify this claim?

      "In theory, the recognition by a master of his offspring by a slave woman was optional in Islamic society, and in the early period was often withheld. By the High Middle Ages it became normal and was unremarkable in a society where the sovereigns themselves were almost invariably the children of slave concubines.[54] The mother receives the title of "umm walad" (lit. mother of a child)[55]
      This seems to say that the child is the master's one."
      i would be careful citing Wikipedia
      the original source is bernard lewis and he doesn't provide any sources i couldn't verify what he says

      "This seems to say that the child is the master's one."
      not necessarily it's an assumption " In theory" he is making an assumption based on that statement "In ancient Arabian custom, the child of a freeman by his slave was also a slave unless he was recognized and liberated by his father"


    7. Read "4.8 The case of “umm walad”" here

    8. Its a book by darussalam publishers

    9. and if you read 1,4 it confirm my position, your own sources that you cherry pick

    10. "Read "4.8 The case of “umm walad”" here"
      and your point is?

    11. "and if you read 1,4 it confirm my position, your own sources that you cherry pick"
      On what source ?

    12. the link says if your slave bears you child she is umm walad.
      "And lastly if the man actually has intercourse with his slave-woman and she bears him a child she becomes more than an ordinary slave-woman. After that she cannot be sold "
      it says she is your slave woman and you cannot sell her after pregnancy? so clearly its the owners child? if she is your wife, the mention of selling is meaningless,you cant sell your wife?

      again here it says slave and not wife.
      The reason for permissibility of physical intimacy with slave-woman is twofold;
      a) Chastity on the part of the slave-woman that she may not turn to lewdness. (Or we can say she may not be forced into that for not finding a legitimate way for what is instinctive)
      b) Chastity of her OWNER
      See, Al Mausu'ah Al Fiqhiyyah Al Kuwaitiyah

      Actually the entire article is written to justify ownership-slave woman sexual relationship.

    13. "the link says if your slave bears you child she is umm walad."
      i think you misunderstood my point
      case read the above post by you
      "I read about "umm walad" that they are to be set free at the death of their owner and can no longer be sold, but in your articles you said that you cant have sex with slaves, only with former slaves that you have already freed and married.
      So is all sex rhat lead to "umm walad" zina ?"
      which means you are denying my statement regarding sex being allowed only in marriage, however i never denied Umm alwalad is only for another husband
      and what i said
      "umm walad simply means a mother of a child, they are to be set free at the death of their owner correct, but only if she gave birth, the child she bared is not necessarily the offspring of her owner"
      so i never said Umm walad is only the child of the other husband beside her owner, you made it strictly to the offspring of her owner, i stated that this is not required

      your original post was about sex without marriage in attempt to dispute what i say, but now you moved the goal post to (is it her own child?)

      "it says she is your slave woman and you cannot sell her after pregnancy? so clearly its the owners child? "
      that is not what the quote is saying that is a strawman
      the quote you gave state that if your slave bare you a child you can't sell her , that dictate if you had sexual intercourse with her then she must be your wife according to the overwhelming majority of scholars as i stated many times before, but since you can sell her before then she must never been your wife in the first place

      in order to have sexual intercourse with your slave you must marry her first, and as process you must set her free, prior to that you can't have sex with her if she is not your wife, and if that is the case then she is not free, while there are rulings where you have to set her free regardless if you married her or not

      "a) Chastity on the part of the slave-woman that she may not turn to lewdness. (Or we can say she may not be forced into that for not finding a legitimate way for what is instinctive)
      b) Chastity of her OWNER
      See, Al Mausu'ah Al Fiqhiyyah Al Kuwaitiyah "
      volume? page number?

    14. I only post using my name, not as anonymous, indeed you didnt say that it is only the child of the owner but the Oxford islamic studies said so. I responded to the fact that you said " simply means a mother of a child", if you call reponding moving the goalpost...

    15. "I responded to the fact that you said " simply means a mother of a child", if you call responding moving the goalpost..."
      i was translating what the arabic term say literally, not it's implications
      as for accusing you of moving the goalpost it's because first you try and despel my well accepted argument that you can't have sex with slaves unless you marry them first (and set them free according to majority of scholars) then you changed the topic ideas and added the issue of does the term umm alwalad only means the mother of the owner child

    16. I always discuted sexuality with umm walad, and completeted your translation with a meaning that you don't denies. So is sex with (what would become) umm walad zina since she is not free when her master had sex with her ?

    17. i think you mean disconnect not discuted, "So is sex with (what would become) umm walad zina since she is not free when her master had sex with her ?"
      i already explained that, Umm alwalad is simply a title that describe the woman parenthood, not her marital status, it's not zina since he have to marry her first to have sexual intercourse with her
      second of all zina have nothing to do with her bondage status, it will be considered zina to have sexual intercourse outside marriage with her (her status as being free is a byproduct of her marriage), so if you want to have sex with a slave, islam forces you to marry her and set her free first (the last one is according to majority of scholars, while scholars have general consensus regarding forced marriage for sex, apart from few exceptions)

    18. "i already explained that, Umm alwalad is simply a title that describe the woman parenthood, not her marital status, it's not zina since he have to marry her first to have sexual intercourse with her"
      And what i said is that if you marry her first, she is, by your views, free at this stage. So she cannot become free and unsoldable by the virtue of umm walad, after begotting a child, because she already was at the marriage, by your argument.

    19. "So she cannot become free and unsoldable by the virtue of umm walad, after begotting a child, because she already was at the marriage, by your argument."
      No, that is a strawman, she can be free and unsoldable by virtue of umm alwalad since that require marriage first, the only difference is that if she was not set free already when marrying her master she is free when he dies , she can't be sold if she is umm walad at all only if her master die that if she didn't demand her freedom in the first place
      Bayhaqi vol.10 page.343
      already mancupation or freeing slaves is not exclusive to marriage as a slave can demand a contract by himself/herself to be set free verse 24:33
      When she becomes umm walad by virtue of her current husband she is already unsoldable, prior to that when she was a slave and not pregnant and not married to you she can be sold although she has to be war captive first you can't pick a women of Street and enslave her that doesn't work this way in Islamic law
      She has to be captive of war either part of the enemy forces or contributing to it
      When she is captured she can be sold or set free but you can't have sexual intercourse with her unless you marry her first and foremost
      Then set her free by process ones she is your wife she is elegable for intercourse
      Prior to that if she was your slave you :
      1-can't have sex with her
      2-obligated to set her free by conduct of Islamic law if she damnd it

      Sex can only occuire during marriage
      Setting free the slave happen obligatory during marriage or prior to it

    20. Meaning by becoming umm walad she can't be sold

    21. "the only difference is that if she was not set free already when marrying her master she is free when he dies" So you are now saying that you can marry her without setting her free before ?

    22. I will just expand my previous comment : "the only difference is that if she was not set free already when marrying her master she is free when he dies "
      you said that "she was not set free already when marrying" , now i understand this as "she was not free when marrying" So she was not free after your marriage, witch is against you said earlier "you must marry her first, and as process you must set her free" In one case she is free immediately during/after the marriage, in the other only after the death of her owner "she is free when he dies"

    23. That is an obvious misquotation you clearly never bothered to read my earlier comments

      Read my comments
      "islam forces you to marry her and set her free first (the last one is according to majority of scholars, while scholars have general consensus regarding forced marriage for sex, apart from few exceptions)"
      unless you marry them first (and set them free according to majority of scholars)"

      5he reason why I assumed that she can remain slave after marriage is for the sake of the argument only
      Personally from my experience and readings majority of scholars agree she can't be sold during marriage and she is free autmoaitcly
      Other state she is free from some limitations when she was slave ones she is your wife
      Other state she is not free at all
      I for one went with the last one since I assumed it to be your stance since you are a nonmuslim only for the sake of the agrument
      As for sex being allowed only in marriage that is nearly a general consensus that nearly it's abnormal for scholars to dispute it
      And so I advocate strongly for it
      As for slavery during marriage whole great portion of the readings I did agree that she is free upon marriage I only went lately against it for the sake of the argument

      But if you even cared to read my earlier posts carefully you will read the above quotes

    24. This comment has been removed by the author.

    25. you are free to read as i provided the sources for you in the link you should have asked me to list them but here they are for you

    26. I thinks we are getting nowhere so this is probably my last reply.
      I read your posts, i have no problem to see that you push the idea of an obligatory marriage, and bring argument forthe same way other brough opposing views to you in others posts. But i was focused on the discrepancy between freeing her before marriage and becomming free later on. None of your sources spoke about that, you only gave general statements. You cited bayhaqi but witout quotemarks i can't see what is his opinion and if it was shared.
      I found your "sake of argument" strange because you stated it ‎in the aftermath and you put the sentence i quoted shortly after accusing me of strawmaning you. So i logically though it was your real position, that you gave me to correct my "strawman". It partially combined how you have to free her before marriage in your views, and why even in islamic publication her umm walad title , with the associed advantages, like freedom at the death of her owner, commes only after beggoting a child ("If she bears him a child, she become umm walad" ; "she is a slave in all aspects such as services...however she should not be sold" ; "umm walad become free immediately after the death of her master is confirmed") Slavery In Islam: Encyclopaedia of Islamic Law.

    27. This comment has been removed by the author.

    28. I've read all your sources and i seem to understand them differently than you. I follow you on the don't sell her part and i didn't denies the last part about the possibility of manumission. But the remaining didn't oppose my views, and some strengthen it.
      One last question : what does" and he inherent her, she inherent him like the rest of his captives" means ?
      Anyway, most scholars states that islam allow concubines. Concubines are, by definition unmarried.
      This was my last post.
      May the Truth guide us all.

    29. "and some strengthen it."
      While you did state your last comment is your final one mind if you care to elaborate which parts strengthin your views
      And what are your views precisely
      I'm fine if you don't want to talk as I believe there is a language barrier
      Are your views the treatment of umm walad and how she is subvertiant to her owner? If that is the case then I can see where you think my point strengthens yours but that will be a muddy way to look at it as I can dedicate a section for that for you

    30. If you don't wish to discuss it then it's ok

    31. My views are simply that you don't need to be married to have sex with your slaves; that is stated by scholars that says that islam allow concubinage. I'm just asking again because you didnt answer me : what does "if he inherent a share of who is to be set free , from captives to others, if she had no child from her master, and he inherent her, she inherent him like the rest of his captives" means ? Im guessing inherent mean inherit , but in "she inherent him like the rest of his captives", does she inherit part of the other slaves from him ? Does her and the other slaves inherit from him ? Does he inherit her like the rest of the slaves ?
      Also a last request : you cited al-magni multiples times,can you give me the full reference and a link to his book, googling his name doesnt gave me any clues about him. Thanks.

    32. "My views are simply that you don't need to be married to have sex with your slaves; that is stated by scholars that says that islam allow concubinage."
      I'm Aware, and i have stated before and cited my own sources that this is the view of only few scholars, and majority consider them "abnormal"
      "I'm just asking again because you didnt answer me : what does "if he inherent a share of who is to be set free , from captives to others, if she had no child from her master, and he inherent her, she inherent him like the rest of his captives" means ?"
      inherent doesn't necessary means ownership passed by death, i translated it this way because that is literally what the word Earith means, other than that, this has multiple implication, inherent here means ownership on bases of master, that he owns his slave by "inherent" it from another since the slave was originally a captive of war, as enemy captives of war are the primary source for slavery in islam as i stated before, you can't pick someone free of the street and make them your slave it doesn't work this way, you can only gain them if they participate in enemy forces and you capture them
      as for slave inherent the master it means that she gain him as her master
      think about it, how can she inherent him if he is not dead? how can you inherent a human being by death? you can't, it simply means gained

      al-magni المغني ئ is a book written by Imam Ibn Qudama
      here is the link for download, mind you it's only in arabic
      under التحميل المباشر:
      you will find links on dark blue color, this book is one of if not they primary book of figuh for hanbali but also critical in other schools of thought

      i can provide you with link to lisan al arab dictionary on the word inherent to see it's other meanings

    33. Ok. Thanks for the link and reply.

    34. and according to majority of the ummah if she is impregnated from her master and gave birth she is ruled with breeding, and her ruling is the ruling of captive incase of her master sexual intercourse and his usage of her and his ownership of her living and his marriage of her, and his hiring of her, and setting her free, and giving her sole duty, and her private parts, that is the opinion of majority of people of knowledge"
      This contradict your whole argument : she is impregnated so she had sex with her master but you said he has to set her free before and we read "ruling of captive incase of her master sexual intercourse and his usage of her and his ownership of her living and his marriage of her" so she is still a slave.

    35. Or do you thing that she is "freed" but she is still a slave, negating all concept of freedom, because all scholars and you insist that you can have sex with slave. Something that would be wrong if you had to free her first because then she wouldn't be a slave you had sex with, but a free women.
      In fact such a thing would be in perfect line with islamic thinking : Fasting the day, overly eating the night.

    36. No, she can't have two contracts at the same time according to majority of scholars, either she remain slave or become wife, if she becomes wife her slave contract is voided

    37. I agree with you, only one contract at the same time : the slavery contract already include the right to have sexual relation with the slave "The master does not have the right to marry his slave woman because ownership makes him entitled to benefit (from what he owns) and intimacy,
      so it cannot be combined with a contract that is weaker than it. " islamqa
      And you agree that you can have sex with your slave, so she is not free because in that case she wouldn't be a slave. As stated in my two prevoious replies , which i based on the text you translated.

  4. what do you think of this article akhi

  5. Why is music haram

    1. depends, Nasheed is a form of music if you can call it that way, and it's not haram, generally music is used to stray the mind into doing wrong things, especially sexual ones

    2. I dont understand why instruments are all haram except drum.
      music has good effects on health , sometimes used as medicine

    3. do you have peer reviewed studies on that?


      islams ban on music seems meaningless to me. I cant think of any good reason for this?

    5. that is not a peer reviewed study, they don't even specify what type of music they are doing research on

    6. I dont know what kind of research would convince you. This is an academic website.

      Also all music types are haram in islam.only verbal sings are allowed

    7. i never said it's not academic, it does seam from first glance, but there is a difference between released publications that are mere opinions, and peer reviewed studies, academic websites does both, peer reviewed studies are conducted and tested by fellow academics and subjected to criticism so it has high value compared to released publications, i never said your website is not academic

  6. Salamu Aleykum brother, is there a way to contact you via email? Do you have an email address where we can ask you questions? Jazakallahu khairan

    1. Walikum al salam
      yes of course

  7. Akh. What do you think of this video. It is claimed we stole salat from the orthodox aramaic kind of christians

    1. i think you are making confusion, just because Christians use the term allah it isn't strickly on muslims god, allah simply means God in arabic, Arabic Bible uses allah to describe god aswell, these Christians are simply prostrating not praying lilke muslims, they don't kneel they don't sit in prayer they don't look left and right, they don't hold both palms on top of another

  8. Assalamu alaikum

    A quranist said we have invented in our religion because we only have hajj in 1 month but the quran in 2:197 states that hajj is in multiple months. Can you help

    Jazakallah khair

    1. Walikum al salam, can you give me link to him?
      2:197 doesn't say we can do hajj in more than 1 month, it says hajj happen during well known months

    2. How can hajj happen in well known months if there is only 1 month for hajj


    Does this hold any water?

  10. How do you explain these two ahadith?

    •Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 537: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said If a house fly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink), for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease.

    •The climate of Medina did not suit some people, so the Prophet ordered them to follow his shepherd, i.e. his camels, and drink their milk and urine (as a medicine). So they followed the shepherd that is the camels and drank their milk and urine till their bodies became healthy. Sahih Bukhari 7:71:590

    1. what is the problem with it?

    2. does dunking a fly completely in your drink really make you healthy?

      what's the benefit of drinking camel urine if it's unhealthy?

      what does this hadith mean: Ubayy bin Ka'b narrated: "Water is for water,' was only permitted in the beginning of Islam. Then it was prohibited." (Jami` at-Tirmidhi Book 1 Hadith 110) I don't understand what 'Water is for water' means.

      Does black cumin really heal ALL diseases except death? Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah’s Apostle saying, “There is healing in black cumin for all diseases except death.“ (Sahih al-Bukhari, vol. 7, book 71, no. 592) Is this scientifically proven? Should we take this hadith literally or figuratively?


    3. "does dunking a fly completely in your drink really make you healthy?"
      no where does the hadith state it makes you healthy, if so then the prophet will say "grap any fly you find and dip it in any drink"
      infact there is a concept called bacitrophage aka baciria killers and they exist in one part of the fly wings, you might cite wikiislam poor article that cites no evidence for their statements regarding and tries and does porly to debunk that statment, they try and make arguments that fit this statment "For if they say that the presence of phages proves that the hadith is correct, then pointing out that phages are not limited to any one wing, right or left, immediately proves the falsehood in the hadiths."
      Ok now that is a strawman fallacy, the initial response has nothing to do with wich wing carries the bactiria killer, but the existance of the bactirophage on it's on, Wikiislam tries so desperatly to move the goal post, i could write an article in response to theirs but they don't bother to give footnotes to their claims

      "what's the benefit of drinking camel urine if it's unhealthy?"
      like fly hadih that is not an advice from the prophet as daily consumption it was exlusive to a spacific group of people

      now some people in the "scientific" community are suggesting we should drink cockroach milk as food, are you gonna condemn them as much as you condemn this hadith?

      unlike the hadith which neither camel urine hadith nor wing fly hadith state that you should use these feces as food sources, and these people suggest we should drink cockroach milk as food, and if you state this is scientific, which still not proven, then there are practices of feces feeding exist today with no scientific benefit, for example the world most expensive exotic coffe is made from Indonesian monkey feces, where is the scientific benefit in that?

      another problem is that this hadith doesn't specific what species of flies, yes almost all of them are filthy and carries carcasses illness, but that is it "almost" gall flies and hover flies don't carry illness
      some flies maggots are also used to clean wounds of necrotic flesh.

      infact bactirophage can be isolated from house flies and inserted to salt solutions
      they tried either infecting the bactiria with a bactirum gene but couldn't find it, however other parts of the experiment was successful

      "what does this hadith mean: Ubayy bin Ka'b narrated: "Water is for water,' was only permitted in the beginning of Islam. Then it was prohibited." (Jami` at-Tirmidhi Book 1 Hadith 110) I don't understand what 'Water is for water' means."
      can you cite the text?

  11. What do you think?

    It claims we kind of stole 5 prayers and their timing, isra al miraj, the concept of the lote tree, recitation, clothes etc. From the zoroastrians

  12. Can you help with the first part of the vid which says the quran stole from a syriac saying and the quran doesnt make sense in the arabic but in the syriac meaning it does ( kind of a sharif gaber argument )

    1. first and for most that video is the response to that claim, secound he cites no evidence of the source of that syriac saying, third he cites no evidence that this text is syriac in origion, third he gives no dating of that text, forth he gives no spacific evidence of the point in origion where that saying came about
      fifth his argument is not just a non sequitur but also apeal to ignorance (i don't understand this Quranic verse therefore it's taken from that syriac text) same method as sharif, non sequitur because his premises doesn't follow his conclusion

      seriously Hamid abdul samad was refuted to point of embarrassment by muslim apologists demonstrating how he cites weak sources aswel

  13. Have you seen christian prince debating a shaykh from al azhar university

    What do you think?

    1. I'm looking for that Imam in Alazhar database and couldn't find him, where is his profile? in none of his video he privde legitimate profile of this "imam" infact all search results of his name return to CP "debate" with him, in arabic no alazhar database provide any legitimate profile of this imam where did CP pulled this Imam from? what kind of a deceptive monkey this christian so called scholar is? using a fake Imam to draw attention?

  14. Hello.
    I read your article and i dint found it very clear so i have some shorts questions:
    - does Mutawater is indeed a better grade than Ahad ?
    - does a sahih hadith has obligatorily a good Sanad and Matin ? and if a hadith has a good Sanad and Matin is it obligatorily sahih ?
    - does a sahih in chain only has a good Sanad ?
    - does Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī and Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim contains only sahih ?

    1. Sorry for not responding in time, Internet is really restricted right now in iraq so i can't do much research anyways

      "does Mutawater is indeed a better grade than Ahad ?"
      yes, Mutawater is nearly impossible to consider it doubted, it's basicly so many scholars narrating a narration that it becomes nearly impossible for them to lie

      "does a sahih hadith has obligatorily a good Sanad and Matin ?"
      not good isnad and matin but sahih isnad and matin to make it authentic sahih
      a hadith with only sahih isnad and weak matin is sahih in isnad and majoirity of scholars don't accept it, and hadith weak in isnad but sahih in matin is sahih in matin and so on
      if they have good isnad and matin they are regarded hasan

      "does a sahih in chain only has a good Sanad ?"
      no, it need three conditions, a good chain, 'adil alriwa with means narrators have to be trust worthy, thabit al riwa, means the narrators need to be good at memory and memorization, being trusted is not good enough.

    2. not good isnad and matin but sahih isnad and matin to make it authentic sahih
      Ok i used good to mean valid but you says that sahih is a grade above good if I'm not mistaking ?
      no, it need three conditions
      Ok, but all the fulfilled conditions relate only to the chain part, not the text itself ?

    3. Can you please just answer this question : if a sahih in chain haddith had a matin that said "Muhammad said :Allah is our god" would it be promoted to sahih ?

  15. Hello I have some specific questions.
    1.What exactly makes a hadith a mutawatir hadith?How many chains exactly and how diffrent have the chains to be?
    2.What is the practically diffrence between a complete Sahih Hadith and a mutawatir , besides that the mutawatir has more chains?If it hasnt a practically diffrence , why do we make a distinction between sahih hadith and mutawatir?

    1. 1-haing lots of authentic narrators that it's nearly impossible for them to lie, and as much as possible so long as they don't reach 3
      2-mutawatir is a main categore in which sahih derived from, you can have ahad sahih and mutawatir sahih, the difference is mutawater does not contain neither hasan no da'if


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